Princeton XC Invitational 2025

Cincinnati, OH
Hosted by Princeton
Timing/Results FinishTiming
Registration Opens On Aug 1, 2025

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions


High School Course Map

Middle School Course Map

WHEN:Saturday, September 20, 2025

WHERE:Landmark Christian Campus

1600 Glendale Milford Road

Cincinnati, Ohio 45215

Course:Our course is very spectator friendly, athletes can be seen several times during competition. The course has a few flat stretches with several rolling hills.

SCHEDULE:Middle School Girls - 8:30 AM (unlimited runners, score five)

Middle School Boys - 8:55 AM (unlimited runners, score five)

Girls Varsity - 9:20 AM (ten runners, score five)

Boys Varsity - 9:55 AM (ten runners, score five)

Girls Open - 10:30 AM (unlimited runners, score five)

Boys Open - 11:05 AM (unlimited runners, score five)

COST:$175 per high school team (JV & Varsity)

$300 for both boys and girls teams (JV & Varsity)

$200 for both boys and girls junior high teams

$125 per junior high team

$10 per runner for teams less than five runners

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Coach Lincoln Cobb,; Coach Candice Campbell,; Coach Lisa Benson,

REGISTRATION: We will use Milesplit to register athletes for our meet. Contracts will be sent through DragonFly to your Athletic Director.

RESULTS: Results will be compiled and posted on MileSplit.

PARKING - Team Buses will park at our Middle School, which is one mile from the course. Spectators will park at the Landmark facility. All traffic should enter the complex from Glendale-Milford Road. 

AWARDS - Medals Awarded for Top 20 in all levels of participation; Team Trophy for Boys MS, Girls MS, Boys Varsity & Girls Varsity.

We will have a concession stand and Invitational T-shirts for sale. We will also have a DJ on site to play all your favorite songs.